Sunday 24 May 2015

The Most Ultimate Question Of Life!

Well, there are 2 fundamental question which confronts us –
·         What is the meaning of life?
·         Where is the low fat milk kept in the super market?

Lot has been said in past on the first question and lot will be said in future too. So, this post address the second question.

Well, the truth is no one, which includes me, can definitely answer this question. You cannot find a low fat milk by reading this blog. You can sit at home and read all the posts, but you will not find low fat milk. You can read till the cow comes home. But those cows will not give low fat milk. Not even the cows who eat B grade posters of Hindi cinema instead of grass. So, get your fat ass off that couch and visit the super market.

According to Gautama Buddha – “Life happens to you when you are searching for it”. Applying the same logic (I am science student of course), the low fat milk will fall upon me when….oh yeah got it! Extra virgin olive oil.

But where the hell is extra virgin olive oil in super market?? I wish I could answer this question but someone is knocking the door.

Bye Bye. May plastic cover be with you!

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