Thursday 14 May 2015

Six Reasons to Go Road Tripping !

If you love travelling, you have to explore places in India- by road.

In my case, it was a bit different. I first hit the road by my bike, and then fell in love with travel. I will give you 6 reasons to travel in India via road.

1) Driving/ Riding thrill- Ah! Trains and Planes can really take you farther at a very high speed, but they decide where you stop and what you see. You take the road and its your command! You decide where you stop, what you eat, and what you discover.

2) Surprise, surprise- The thrill of sudden lake popping up or a sleepy village whizzing by. The way valleys open you and their pointed peaks pop up. Cruising through places have shown me untouched, unforgettable and amazingly beautiful India.

3) Clean roads and hotels- Gone are the days of single strip, scary tar roads. In today's India, we can see well structured concrete roads. The fear of unclean, unhygienic hotels and loos have also disappeared. Now we notice, real good hotels have sprung up and the famous food chains are never far!

4) Food! Food! Food!- Dhaba food cannot be matched even with the five stars- No Kidding! You wait, while they cook and offer you mouth watering Dal Makhani, Vada Pav, Tandoor or cutting chai.

5) Change of plans- The road travel, lets you change you plans at any point of time. You are free to move anywhere..may be a hidden fort, or beautiful lake, religious ceremony or festival. The more to-dos will get added automatically to your list.

6) Life skills- Travelling by self makes you more self dependent. May be fixing a puncture, or swimming your vehicle through a stream. Learn as you go ahead!

So your rubber ready to meet road? Engine full throttle?? Happy Journey! Ride safe!

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