Friday 15 May 2015

Medical Writing !

Medical writing combines my passion for writing, science, medicine and therapeutic areas. Medical writing is a diverse filed compromising of regulatory writing, scientific writing, educational writing and medical journalism. Each of these domains include vast sub-fields and getting exposure to all is nearly impossible! Considering the ever-expanding therapeutic areas, it is very difficult to acquire knowledge in all. All successful medical writers share some common traits- love for writing, attention to detail, a strong attention to detail, ability to gracefully receive feedback and implement the same, self discipline and strong adherence to timelines.

One can easily develop and nurture the needs, but the spark must be there. As a beginner there are a few thing which I am planning to do.

  • Join American Medical Writers Association (AMWA)
  • Build portfolio and website
  • Join and stay active on LinkedIn
  • Focus on my strengths & improve them constantly

I have explored a few resources to gain knowledge in medical writing . Happy exploring!

1.     Toolkit for New Medical Writers- AMWA website
2.     Working as a Medical Writer- American Association for the Advancement of Science
3.     Articles for Medical Writers- Hitt Medical Writing
4.     The Accidental Medical Writer- Brian Bass and Cynthia Kryder
5.     Careers in Medical Writing- Patrick Cullinan, especially for scientists considering a transition

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